Monday, August 23, 2010

a real feeling of Loss

A friend died today. It was expected but it wasn't. He had been fighting Stage 4 lung cancer for about 4 years. He had originally been given 6 months but he was a fighter. Funny (?) thing is he never smoked. He had been a missionary to Hong Kong for about 25 years and I can't help but think that maybe it was all the "second-hand" smoke. (It seems like all Asians like to smoke.) He sang in the church choir with me and he had a wicked sense of humor. I visited with him last Thursday, not knowing it would be the last visit. Although he was in Hospice, I really thought he had several more months left.

Many of you  have expressed concern and sympathy for my secretary who lost her only child in an accident last month. I know she appreciates your experssions of support. There is NEVER a thing you can do to help someone who is deep in grief-except be present at the appropriate times and let the one left behind know how much they are all loved.

It makes you realise how important family and friends are. It also means we all need to live as lives to the fullest. 

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